Monday, July 18, 2011

Review Text

To critique an art work, event for a public audience.
Examples: work of arts include: movies, TV shows, books, plays, operas, recordings, exhibitions,
concerts and ballets

Place the work in its general and particular context, often by comparing it with others of its kind or
through analogue with a non-art object or event.
Interpretive Recount:
Summarizes the plot and/or provides an account of how the reviewed rendition of the work came into
being; is optional, but if present, often recursive.
Evaluation (It can be more than one evaluation):
provides an evaluation of the work and/or its performance or production; is usually recursive
Evaluative summation (Summary):
provides a kind of punch line which sums up the reviewer’s opinion of the art event as a whole; is


  • Focus on Particular Participants (Participant tertentu)
  • Direct expression of options through use of Attitudinal Epithets in nominal groups; qualitative Attributes and Affective Mental Processes
  • Use Adjectives showing attitude, e.g.: good, bad, etc.
  • Use of long and complex clauses
  • Use of metaphorical language (e.g., the wit was there, dexterously pingponged to and fro …)

Example of Review Text/ Contoh Review Text

In Persuit of Dreams
Dreams, symbol, sighns, and adventure follow the reader like echoes of ancient wise voices “The Alchemist”, a novel that combines an atmosphere of Medieval mysticism with the song of the desert. With this symbolic masterpiece Coelho states that we should not avoid our destinies, and urges people to follow their dreams, because to find our “Personal Myth” and our mission on Earth is the way to find “God”, meaning happiness, fulfillment, and the ultimate purpose of creation.

Recount The novel tells the tale of Santiago, a boy who has adream and the courage to follow it. After listening to “the signs” the boy ventures in his personal, Ulysses-like journey of exploration and self-discovery, symbolically searching for a hidden treasure located near pyramids in Egypt.

When he decides to go, his father’s only advice is “Travel the world until you see that our castle is the greatest, and our women the most beautiful”. In his journey, Santiago sees the greatness of the world, and meets al kinds of exciting people like kings and alchemists. However by the end of the novel, he discovers that “treasure lies where your heart belong”, and that the treasure was the journey itself, the discoveries he made, and the wisdom he acquired.

“The Alchemist”, is an exciting novel that bursts with optimism; mit is the kind of novel that tells you that everything is possible as long as you really want it to happen. That may sound like an oversimplified version of new-age philosophy and mysticism, but as Coelho states “simple things are the most valuable and only wise people appreciate them”.

Coelho also suggests that those who do not have the courage to follow their “Personal Myth”, are doomed to a life of emtiness, misery, and unfulfillment. Fear of failure seems to be the greatest obstacle to happiness. As the old crystal-seller tragically confecess: “I am afraid that great disappointment awaits me, and so I prefer to dream”. This is where Coelho really captures the drama of man, who sacrifices fulfillment to conformity, who knows he can achieve greatness but denies to do so, and ends up living a life of void.

Evaluative summation
Summatio “The Alchemist” is a novel that may appeal to everybody, because we can all identify with Santiago: all of us has a dream, and are dying for somebody to tell us that they may come true. The novel skillfully combines words of wisdom, philosophy, and simplicity of meaning and language, which makes it particularly readable and accounts for its bestselling status.
Taken from

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