Monday, July 18, 2011

Procedure Text

Procedures help us do a task or make something. They can be a set of instruction or direction

1. Goal : Title of the text (especially for a recipe)
2. Materials : Optional, not for all procedural texts
3. Steps : a series steps oriented to achieving the Goal


  • The use of Simple Present Tense, often in an imperative form e.g. Add some sugar, prepare it,.
  • The use mainly of temporal conjunction (or numbering to indicate sequence especially in written text)

a. As the sentence introducers (sequencers) especially in spoken text:
First … Firstly …
Second … Secondly …
Then … Thirdly …
After that … Afterwards …
Finally … Lastly …
e.g. Firstly, prepare some water!

b. As time introducers, especially in written text
… before …
After …
When …
While …
… until …
During …
e.g. While you are boiling the water, grind the chilies, onions and salt

Example of Procedure Text / Contoh Procedure Text 
How to activate a Handphone
Nowadays, we need a handphone to connect to our colleagues. We can get it easily in the shop. When we buy it we shall get a handphone, a SIM card, a battery and a charger

This is the way to activate the handphone:

  • First, open the cover of the handphone
  • Second, insert the SIM card after being installed
  • Third, insert the battery inside
  • Fourth, close the battery with a cover of handphone
  • Fifth, connect the lead from the charger to the bottom of the phone.
  • Sixth, connect the charger to an AC wall outlet. Charging the battery supplied with the phone may take four up to six hours.
  • Seventh, when the battery is fully charged, the bar stops scrolling. Disconnect the charger from the AC outlet and the phone. Then, we are ready to make a phone call.


How to boil an egg
Do you know how to boil an egg? Well, this is the way!


  • First, heat a saucepan of water on the stove.
  • Then put the egg in the boiling water.
  • After that, heat it until it boils.
  • Next, cook it for three minutes.
  • Don’t leave the eggs until it gets burnt.
  • Now, the egg is ready to serve.
  • Finally, serve it with pepper powder and salt

Cahyono, Kristiawan Dwi and Eka Purnama.2006. Communicative Competence 2B: A course in Acquiring English Communicative Competence, For Senior High School Level, Grade XI Semester 2. Jombang: CV Karunia Agung

Sudarwati and Eudia Grace.2007. Look Ahead: An English Course for Senior High School Students Year I, Science and Social Study Program. Jakarta: Erlangga

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